Published AI-Labs
Todas as pesquisas e publicações a seguir são de autoria, coautoria ou foram supervisionadas por Prof. Dr. Luiz Pinheiro.
Papers: Artificial Intelligence (AI) - (Published) - 2022 - actual
1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) in South America: An Analysis of Emerging Government Initiatives
Team: Pinheiro & Torres (2022)
Published: Anpad Conference - link
Goal: Mapping AI Initiatives in Sout America Governments.

2. Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Health Startups: Opportunities and Challenges
Team: Bonde, Alcantara, Daleffe, Tumelero & Pinheiro (2022)
Published: Contecsi Conference - link
Goal: Explore How Startups Can Entrepreneur with AI in Health.

3. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Renewable Energy: A 2030 Research Agenda
Team: Koren, Takeshi, Bonacin & Pinheiro (2022)
Published: Contecsi - Conference - link
Goal: Sistematic Literature Review (SLR) about AI and Renewable Energy.

4. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its Influence at Work: A Global Perspective
Team: Rodrigues e Pinheiro (2022)
Published: Contecsi - Conference
Goal: Sistematic Literature Review (SLR) about AI and Work/Jobs.

Analytics & Smart Cities - (Published in 2019-22)
1. Designing Business Analytics Projects (BAP): A Five-Step Dashboarding Cycle
Team: Pinheiro & Matheus (2022)
Published: Chapter - International Book (IGI) - link
Goal: Apply a Business Analytics Model in 5-Steps for Public and Private Firms.
2. Brazilian Smart Cities: Literature Review and Cases Examples
Team: Pinheiro (2019)
Published: Chapter - International Book (Elsevier) - link
Goal: Mapping Brazilian Smart Cities Initiatives and Comparative Cases.
Digital Transformation - DT - (Published 2022)
1. Digital Transformation (DT) in Agribusiness: An Analysis of New Technologies
Team: Pinheiro, Santos, Mestreli, Ortiz & Silva (2022)
Published: Angrad Conference - link
Goal: Interviews with Agribusiness on the Use of New Digital Technologies on Farms.

2. Digital Banking Transformation (DT): A Case Study
Team: Pinheiro & Silva (2021)
Published: EnAnpad Conference - link
Goal: Multiple Case Study with Secondary Data on the Main Brazilian Banks on TD.
Cloud Computing - (Published in 2016-2020)
1. Towards a Framework for Cloud Computing use by Governments: Leaders, Followers and Laggers
Team: Pinheiro, Cunha, Janssen & Matheus (2020)
Published: D.go Conference - link
Goal: Test a CloudGov Model with Institutional and Diffusion Theories of Innovation.
2. Cloud Computing in Government - A Sistematic Literature Review
Team: Pinheiro (2019)
Published: Anpad Conference - link
Goal: Sistematic Literature Review (SLR) about Cloud Computing and Government.
3. Cloud Computing in Government: Benefits and Risks in Cloud Contracting
Team: Pinheiro & Cunha (2017)
Published: AMCIS/AIS Conference - link
Goal: Case Study with Secondary Data on the National Agency of IT.
4. Cloud Computing in Brazil: A Literature Review
Team: Pinheiro (2017)
Published: Anpad/EnADI Conference - link
Goal: Literature Review (LR) about Cloud Computing in National Field.
Electronic Invoice - (Published in 2014-2016)
1. Digital Government: A Analysis From Electronic Invoicing
Pinheiro & Frega (2014-2015)
Published 1: Survey - Anpad Conference - link
Goal: Survey with 126 firms about Adopt and Use e-Invoicing.
Published 2: Constructs - AMCIS/AIS Conference - link
Goal: Validate Constructs in Instrument and Scales.
Published 3: Theory UTAUT - SemeAd Conference - link
Goal: Literature Review (LR) about Use Theory UTAUT in National Field.