ChatGPT - EnAngrad
A Transformação Digital do EAD em ADM e o
Papel da IA (ChatGPT) no Ensino de ADM
But, Digital Transformation is not about Technology?
Digital Transformation - Literature (MIT Sloan, CISR, 2018)
Ok, but, DT in Education? Digital Courses? Infoproducts
...and Brazil?
and Brazil? Digital Courses?
and Brazil? Online Education?
How Survive?
Boom! Hype!
New Business School ;) New Business Administration!
"...The transformational impact of artificial intelligence is impossible for business schools to ignore..."
And ... Positivo Business School?
Assistant Professor GPT?
Results - Regional Impact
Learnings ...
and ... The Future?
Governance Model AI - GVGIA
Share your Experiences? Invite! Go to next Week in Curitiba!
Many Thanks! Questions?