Work in Progress
Todas as pesquisas e publicações a seguir são de autoria, coautoria ou foram supervisionadas por Prof. Dr. Luiz Pinheiro.
Work in Progress (WIP) - Pipeline AI-LaBs
1. AI in Governments the South America Countries
Team: Pinheiro, Torres, Freitas & Matheus
Goal: Exploring in depht AI Initiatives in Sout America Governments
Target: EnAnpad (ok) + IFIP 6.11 - I3E
2. AI in Health
Team: Pinheiro, Bonde, Matheus et al.
Goal: Exploring in depht eHealth AI initiatives in Brazil
Target: Contecsi (ok) + IFIP 6.11 - I3E
3. AI in Work/Jobs
Team: Pinheiro & Almeida
Goal: Sistematic Literature Review (SLR) about AI and Work/Jobs
Target: Contecsi (ok) + IFIP 6.11 - I3E
6. AI in Society: A Focus Group with Market Leaders and Specialists
Team: Pinheiro, Yrina & Dornelles
Co-Advisor: Prof. Dornelles
Goal: Focus Group about +30 leaders about thematic ignorance of AI.
Target: EnAnpad (ok) + IFIP 6.11 - I3E
7. AI in ChatBoot and Alumni: The Education Case Study
Team: Pinheiro, Doerr & Liz
Goal: Stand-by
Target: Stand-by
8. Funding Sources for AI: The National Map
Team: Pinheiro, Tracz & Frankenberger
Goal: Stand-by
Target: Stand-by
9. Diversity, Equality and Inclusion (DEI): A Sistematic Literature Review
Team: Pinheiro, Alcantara & et al.
Goal: Sistematic Literature Review (SLR) about DEI and Towards a Conceptual Model.
Target: EnGPR (ok) + Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Journal.
10. Digital Transformation (DT) and Culture for Innovation and AI
Team: Pinheiro, Yrina & Dornelles
Co-Advisor: Prof. Dornelles
Goal: Building a instrument an scale about (DT) and Culture for Innovation/AI.
Target: EnAnpad (ok) + IFIP 6.11 - I3E
GEP - Studies and Project Group
Meeting 1: 24/march - 18h00 - Zoom - (50 minutes)
Schedule and Deliberations:
Register Lattes Curriculum at the link: so that I can link you to my research project.
Personal authorization, to register you in the research project:
The WhatsApp Group of our project is: (access and join it).
Our first meeting will be online (Zoom), this Thursday, the 24th March at 18:00 on the link:
Personal Presentation and Briefing.
Students Present: Khalil El Tassa, Rosieli Tracz.
Students Ausent: Gabrielle Ferreira, Rafael Cicarello.
Meeting 2: 01/April - 18h00 - Face-to-Face - Osório Campus - Room: 207 - (50 minutes)
Schedule and Deliberations:
Validated Lattes Curriculum, Registration at AI Labs among other details.
Oriented to the AI theme and discussed in the literature.
Oriented to carry out a review of the literature on AI in Brazil.
Reading 01 - Pinheiro & Torres (2022) link
Reading 02 - Pinheiro (2019) on (SLR) link
Work in the worksheet for students to review at least 05 AI articles in 15 days.
Work in the (05) articles to each student review (GDrive link).
Next meeting is: 15th april - 18:00 - Osório - Room: 207
Students Present: Khalil El Tassa
Students Ausent: Gabrielle Ferreira, Rafael Cicarello, Rosieli Tracz.